

3 Books To Read When You're Feeling Lost

Feeling lost in life is one of the worst feelings we can possibly feel. Whether it’s after a breakup, moving to a different city, or not knowing what to do after finishing school, there will be numerous periods in our lives where we come across this feeling. It can last hours, days, weeks or an even longer period of time. As bad as it is, we have to do our best to be proactive in this period of time. One of the best ways to stay proactive and really fight this feeling is by reading.

Here are 3 books that have helped me and many others when dealing with this feeling.

1. Stillness is the key - Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday is one of my favourite authors. Not only are his books full of wisdom, they’re also extremely well-written making them an enjoyable read. In this book, Holiday writes about “Stillness” and how achieving it has many benefits. Stillness inspires new ideas, makes us more grateful and elevates our perspective.

Practicing stillness on a daily basis helps us become more productive, more creative and genuinely happier in life. It’s the ultimate book of learning how to remain calm and level-headed in complete chaos.

2. Man’s Search For Meaning - Viktor Frankl

This is a must-read for absolutely everyone. Viktor Frankl, a holocaust survivor, describes his time in the concentration camps during World War 2 and reflects on ways he was able to find meaning in his life regardless of his miserable circumstances. He states that finding meaning and purpose in life is the key to a happy and fulfilling life.

3. Lost Connections - Johann Hari

Johann Hari gives a new radical perspective on depression and anxiety and the ways to overcome it. He emphasizes the importance of deep meaningful connections with family, friends, work, community, and the role it plays in our mental health. Many people’s depression is caused by the lack of these connections and therefore, can only be overcome once these underlying needs are met. Hari provides great examples of ways people find these meaningful connections that allows them to overcome their depression and find true meaning in life.

- Sal