

Done > Perfect

Whenever you're working on something, if it’s 80% complete, call it finished and move on.

We often spend way too long on the last 20% of our projects, which in many cases, has very little impact on the overall project. We’re all perfectionists in our own ways. We like to do things well. We want it perfect. Except, things can always be done better. That is the exact reason we end up spending nearly twice as long trying to finish the last 20% of our projects. Every additional percent takes longer and longer, yet less and less value is added.

Five projects completed at 80% is better than one project done at 100%

People always ask ‘but quality over quantity right?’. This is true but they fail to realize that there is quality in doing things in quantity. Doing things repeatedly develops your skills. If you want to get better at something, do it over and over again. Don’t try to do it ‘perfectly’ once. Taking 1000 photos will make you a better photographer than trying to take one perfect photo. The most important thing is to get your repetitions in.

You’ll slowly start to realize once you’ve called it finished, you no longer feel bothered about the 20% you didn’t complete. Also, here is a secret. No one actually notices or cares how much better you could’ve made it. To everyone else, it seems complete because the idea of how it would look if it were ‘perfect’ is only in your head.

Stop wasting time trying to perfect everything.

- Sal